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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Jump Start Your Weight Loss For the Best Results

Have you decided that it is time to finally lose those stubborn pounds you have been carrying around? Then you will want to get fast results and you can do this by following these tips to jump start your weight loss. When you see quick results on the scale and in the mirror your motivation will soar and you will feel inspired to do more. Read on to speed up your loss.

Jump Start Your Weight Loss

1. Keep carbs low in the evenings. A great way to give your diet a boost is to omit carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes) from your evening meal. Carbs are a great source of energy for your body but in the evenings your energy needs go down so the carbs you eat at night are more likely to be converted to body fat. Do this for two weeks and you will notice a tremendous difference.

2. Add intensity to your exercise. By alternating between a slow steady and comfortable pace and a fast, high effort pace you stimulate your fat burning metabolism. These short intensity burst can keep your body burning fat more efficiently for the entire day.

3. Get your mind set on fast results. There will be many negative thoughts that try to creep into your head and sabotage your progress so you must lock your focus on your goal. Throughout the day remind yourself of why reaching your goal is important to you and you will find it easier to move past challenges and obstacles.

For fast results use these strategies to jump start your weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: Dottis Weight Loss Zone

For More Related Topics Blog: Dottis Weight Loss Zone

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